24-06-03 17:06:23

5 Coin Weekly Forecast | BTC ETH BNB SOL XRP

TLDR60BTC68000ETH38002.53(BTC)(ETH)(BNB)(SOL(XRP)BTCBTC1.48%6781068000BTC3000680007058066777BTCBTC7000... [阅读更多]
24-06-03 13:06:03
24-06-03 12:06:32

Week in Ethereum News -The Latest Ethereum News and Upcoming Events This Week

Eth News and LinksPeerDAS included in Pectra upgrade but with separate activation epoch, proposal to exten... [阅读更多]



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24-05-31 22:06:35

Gate Charity Launches Full Hearts, Full Bellies NFT Collection

Gate Charit NFTNFTGate CharitNFT 48Gate Charit https://www.gateio24.net/nft/collection/20506/Full-Hearts-... [阅读更多]
24-05-31 19:06:33

GateLive AMA Recap-Hippop

Q1: What is the Hpe Bo Project?The Hpebo project is an NFT project with HIP vibes characters based on the... [阅读更多]
24-05-31 17:06:39
24-05-31 17:06:37

GateLive AMA Recap-Hippop

Q1: What is the Hpe Bo Project?The Hpebo project is an NFT project with HIP vibes characters based on the... [阅读更多]
24-05-31 17:06:08

A Growing Threat: Big Miners and Bitcoin's Future

ETHETF2.54240.77%61ETHETFTop1003:7BTC70000680000.85%ETH38001.66%3750NOT7165.11%0.01288ArbitrumDEX5.39... [阅读更多]
24-05-31 12:06:46

Exploring DeFi as Bitcoin's Growth Catalyst: Unlocking a New Phase of Bitcoin Expansion?

Q1: Can ou introduce us to the Apu Apustaja project?Apu Apustaja specificall is the number one most used m... [阅读更多]