Q1. Can ou tell us about the meme behind the crow with knife token?
Canuck the crow. Was based in Vancouver, BC, Canada. Stole a knife from a crime scene and was photographed doing so.
Q2. What's the background on the founder of the token and wh crows?
Destruction. He was one of the first builders on Cronos chain at its launch several ears ago. Launched the CRO Crows project on block 946. First NFT project on the chain. Has continued building since then, ver active and well known within the Cronos communit. He worked with the cronos communit via Crows discord server to come up with and launch the crow with knife project.
Q3. Can ou explain about the initial distribution and some of the larger holders?
50% of suppl was sold in a public sale, 25% was distributed to holders of CROCrows NFTs, 25% was used to form LP and burned. No team tokens were reserved, all holders invested or acquired via airdrops. Funded a number of large initiatives for the projects via donations from the communit. Currentl the top three wallets are owned b CDC, Majorit of LP on VVS (Cronos DEX) is POL backed b CDC. Burn wallet is a top 10 holder, 1% was burned from personal suppl but dev Destruction.
Q4. Communit plas a big role in the success and longevit of tokens, can ou talk about the crow with knife communit?
crow with knife communit extends from the original CRO Crow communit which has been active since the launch of Cronos. Tight knit communit with reach across the chain. Led to the rapid rise of the token. Cronos as a network is somewhat isolated from other chains, has led to being a safe space for people to build and learn, don't see the same activit as chains like Solana and Base where cutthroat competition and malicious actors. We've built an exceptional team from our active communit, we have had massive success from our media raiders, spreading the word of crow with knife, creating meme content and getting the attention of famous people as well as numerous KOLs. All our growth has been organic, no bots or paid promotion from KOLs.
Q5. What's next for the project?
Expanding out social media presence - Instagram, tiktok, Reddit, Facebook etc. Launching 946 Club NFTs. Working with subject matter experts within our communit to expand our reach. Review partnership requests across areas of focus like BASE and Solana. Expanding our LP on secondar chains.