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Transactions are data messages that are crptographicall signed.

Etherscan, Ethplorer and EthVM are examples of the most popular Ethereum blockchain explorers.

Usuall, the Ethereum transaction requires 15 minutes and 5 seconds to complete.


Currentl, there are thousands of blockchains on the market which serve different purposes. Despite such a high number of blockchains there is no doubt that one da ou will need to carr transactions on the Ethereum network. This ma require ou to verif the status of our transaction using an Ethereum blockchain explorer of our choice.

Toda, we discuss how to verif transactions on the ETH network. We will also explore the different tpes of transactions people and smart contracts execute on the Ethereum network.

What is ETH Network?

Man people use the Ethereum network, also called the ETH network, because it hosts man blockchains and decentralied applications. Basicall, the Ethereum blockchain, founded b Vitalik Buterin and Gavin Wood in 2015, is one of the largest networks. In terms of market capitaliation, it is the second largest network since Bitcoin is the number one ranked blockchain.

Read alsp: What Is Ethereum 2.0? Understanding The Merge

Basicall, Ethereum is a decentralied platform that hosts man applications which perform different functions like gaming and SocialFi, among others. Also, there are man decentralied financial applications that exist on it. All these applications and blockchains which the Ethereum protocol hosts use the ETH network to function.

In simple terms, a blockchain is a distributed public ledger that supports various transactions. It is distributed because an computer or node connected to it holds an identical cop of transactions taking place on it.

On the other hand, it is decentralied because there is no single entit or authorit that controls it. All the nodes that are linked to it participate in managing it. For example, some of these nodes verif the transactions that take place on the blockchain.

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What are Transactions?

As explained above, various transactions occur on the Ethereum network. Transactions are data messages that are crptographicall signed. These messages contain some specific instructions. Smart contracts use such instructions to execute certain transactions like sending Ether coins from one wallet address to another. Also, these messages enable users around the globe to interact with each other.

Ever time that a network sends a set of instructions or transaction the state of the blockchain changes. The simplest tpe of a transaction involves transferring coins or tokens between two accounts.

Tpes of Transactions and Their Details

There are different tpes of transactions which include regular transactions, contract execution transactions and contract deploment transactions.

Regular Transactions: A regular transaction, also called a normal transaction, occurs when an Externall Owned Address (wallet address) sends some tokens or coins to another Externall Owned Address (EOA). On Etherscan, one of the popular Ethereum blockchain explorers, such a transaction is shown under the Transaction Tab.

Contract Execution Transaction: This occurs when two contract parties agree on the contracts terms. In other words, it involves fulfilling the terms and conditions of the contract within the established time frame.

Contract Deploment Transaction: This involves the successful deploment of a smart contract on the Ethereum network. In this case, the data field is used to deplo the smart contract code on the blockchain. Lets look at the information which is included in a transaction.

Transaction Contents

Recipient: This refers to the address that receives the transaction. Signature: This is what identifies the sender of the message. When the senders private ke signs the transaction the signature is generated. Value: It is the value of the token or coin that is transferred between two accounts. Data: This relates to additional data used when executing a transaction. A btecode for a smart contract is an example of data. Gas limit: This refers to the exact units which will be consumed for a transaction to be successful. Maximum Priorit Fee Per Gas: This relates to the units of gas required to prioritie a transaction. That amount goes to the miner as a tip. Max Fee Per Gas: It is the maximum amount of gas which the user allows to be consumed for a transaction to be successful.

ETH Transaction Life Ccle

The ETH transaction life ccle refers to several steps taken for a transaction to be successful. In other words, it is a series of events that occur when a transaction is submitted. First, the smart contract generates a transaction hash.

Once that is done the transaction is broadcast to the entire network while it is within a pool of other transactions. Then a miner selects it and adds it to the next block. A transaction confirmation shows that it is successful. As a result, other users can view it on the blockchain.

A transaction on the Ethereum network has several possible outcomes. Lets briefl look at some of these.

Pending: A transaction is pending if it is broadcast but has not et been validated. If the transaction is taking ver long to be approved that could indicate insufficient gas. Therefore, someone should check if he/she has assigned enough ETH to cover for the transaction fee.

Queued: The queued status means that there are other transactions which should be validated before our own. In other words, there are other pending transactions.

Canceled: This means that the transaction cannot be approved for various reasons. This could be due to a null value. Rejected: A transaction can be rejected for several reasons which include illogical code, insufficient gas or bad instruction.

Major Reasons for Checking the Status of Transactions

There are different reasons wh a user ma need to check the status of his/her transaction. For example, an individual ma want to find out the cost of a transaction. This is because a transaction can onl become successful if there is sufficient gas.

If the individual has assigned a small gas fee it ma take time before the transaction is approved. Therefore, if there is a low gas fee the individual might need to resend the transaction.

Also, a blockchain explorer ma broadcast different information which the users ma want to know. For instance, it ma show the number of blocks that have been mined, transaction fees paid to miners, the price of ETH at the time of mining, the base fee, the maximum gas limit allocated to the user and much more. The users ma use such information to ensure that their transactions are validated within a short period.

How to Check an Ethereum Transaction

Step 1: when ou want to check the status of an Ethereum transaction the first step is to select the blockchain explorer ou want to use. Etherscan, Ethplorer and EthVM are examples of popular Ethereum blockchain explorers.

Step 2: Enter the transaction hash in the search field. Note that the transaction hash is a unique identifier for a specific transaction. Basicall, the transaction hash is a string of random numbers and letters.

Some explorers ma refer to the transaction hash as hash or txn hash. Usuall, the search field is located at the top of the blockchain explorer as indicated in the following image.

![]( 1.png) Select the Best Explorer - Cointelegraph

It is also important to note that ou can also search for the data ou want using the block, wallet address or domain name. Step 3: Once ou have entered the transaction hash or an other identifier click on Search ou find on the blockchain explorer. Alternativel, ou can press enter.

![]( 2.png) Click Search Button - Cointelegraph

Step 4: Check the status of the transaction The explorer will show the status of the transaction in the transaction summar.

![]( 3.png) Check the Transaction Status - Cointelegraph

As ou note from the image, certain data such as block mined is displaed. If the transaction has been successful the explorer will write success or successful.

If the transaction was unsuccessful, ou will see a message denoting the tpe of error such as bad instruction, out of gas or reverted. Alternativel, the result ma show another status such as Pending or Transaction Not Found.

Understanding the Processing Time of Ethereum

In a normal situation a transaction on the Ethereum network takes about 15 minutes and five seconds to complete. However, this depends on several factors such as the amount of transaction fee paid and how bus the ETH network is.

The number of transactions being processed is important because the all go into the Ethereums memor pool (mempool) where the validators pick them for validation. Primaril, the mempool acts like a waiting room where pending transactions sta until validated or rejected. The transaction becomes complete if its data is entered into a block which is then added to the blockchain.

What Happens if an Ethereum Transaction Fails?

One reason wh transactions on ETH network fails is insufficient gas. However, if a user notices that the gas is less than required, he/she can resubmit the transaction. In this case ou can increase the accompaning fee. It is important to ensure that the transaction has the same nonce. When ou resubmit a transaction, the validators will approve the most recent one.

Best Wa To Transact

If ou are not looking to data pack our transaction and simpl send tokens to another account, transaction via becomes the most stress free option. You simpl need to select the token ou would like to send, choose the chain it needs to be sent on, and click send. Register with to start transacting.


Man crpto lovers have a high chance of using the Ethereum network to make some transactions. The reason is that the blockchain has man decentralied applications. Therefore, the should know how to check the status of their transactions using different Ethereum blockchain explorers.


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